Monday, November 20, 2017

Today I've fiddled around a bit with character movement and animation for my platformer game.

I would love to have a character like in Tiny Open world  but alas, I suck at 3d modeling, so my basic characters will have to do for now :)

After the I made some simple animations for idle, walk, run, jump and doublejump,  I quickly setup the animator states and blendtree and added them to my (very basic) charactercontroller and lookie here, we have a little moving jumping guy who can also double jump :)

Friday, October 13, 2017

Redid some work on my character prefabs and anims. they now point in the actual transform.forward direction. So my rotations in game can be a bit more logical :)

Started work on a new game, but didn't have a lot of time for it, so I got as far as a simple setup with some players that can move around.

I'm thinking of making a coop platform or something? got inspired by the Game grumps playing Mario World 3d or maybe a shooter.. I don't know yet.  suggestions welcome :)

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Now that I have more than 1 game, I've added a simple level select screen.
So you can go from character select, to game select, to game, and back to game select, yaay

I've also fiddled around a little with post processing for the reaction game.
Lets see if this animgif works

Thursday, September 28, 2017

New Game

After years of having an inspiration block. I finally decided what game I want to create.

Now I've changed jobs since my last post and am now a Unity developer, so my next game is going to be a Unity game. It will be a local multiplayer partygame for PC's using controllers. I'm getting inspiration heavily from Fusion Frenzy on the Xbox classic and old atari and c64 games.

I'm making it for myself and my friends. No plans on going public or stuff like that :)

 The first minigame is an Atari 2600 inspired Combat game, and specifically the funnest level we always played.. level 7 (bouncing bullets) but this time with 4 players.


 The second game, I just started working on this evening is a reaction game where you need to jump over or duck under obstacles.