Friday, October 13, 2017

Redid some work on my character prefabs and anims. they now point in the actual transform.forward direction. So my rotations in game can be a bit more logical :)

Started work on a new game, but didn't have a lot of time for it, so I got as far as a simple setup with some players that can move around.

I'm thinking of making a coop platform or something? got inspired by the Game grumps playing Mario World 3d or maybe a shooter.. I don't know yet.  suggestions welcome :)

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Now that I have more than 1 game, I've added a simple level select screen.
So you can go from character select, to game select, to game, and back to game select, yaay

I've also fiddled around a little with post processing for the reaction game.
Lets see if this animgif works